By possibly fucked - 22/06/2014 20:34 - Portugal - Lisbon

Today, my wife bought a strap-on. I'm about fifty miles beyond terrified. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 890
You deserved it 9 548

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Sounds like a real pain in the ass.

Time to strap-on your seatbelt and drive far, far away..


Relax, it probably isn't even for you.

Turn off the a/c so you don't have shrinkage and maybe you won't have to wear something to fill her gap up

Ya' sure you're not Fifty Shades of Terrified? bun-um tsssst.

HoneyGinger 7

This made me think of a Peanut joke from Jeff Dunham "Don't turn your back on him, unless you have the lotion" But in OP's case it's his wife so rather don't turn your back on HER.

Apparently it only hurts the first few times