By faceless_sailor8 - 31/08/2011 16:25 - United States

Today, my wife compared me to Sid the sloth from Ice Age. Same smile, same eyes, same belly, same big feet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 686
You deserved it 5 733

Same thing different taste


emwil823 0

You think that's bad? I know a guy who literally EVERYONE calls Sid because that's who he looks like.

TrixER 6
emwil823 0

Considering I'm female? Yeah, totally. Haha. He doesn't mind though. That's how he introduces himself. I thought he was lying when he told me his real name.

daydreamer244 13

it sounds like your wife thinks she's funny.....

Carissa0126 3

Maybe she was hoping you had his sense of humor, too.

I'm like the squirrel, nuts about nuts. And i mean acorns, you dirty minded FMLers.

Just wait until she needs end of the world advice next year.