By faceless_sailor8 - 31/08/2011 16:25 - United States

Today, my wife compared me to Sid the sloth from Ice Age. Same smile, same eyes, same belly, same big feet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 683
You deserved it 5 730

Same thing different taste


bitchslapped22 14

But Sid is also a nice sloth and a great, loyal friend :D

Get your followers to chuck her into a volcano.

Revelation_fml 5

that's a compliment. Kudos to your wife for knowing her Disney. Personally, I'm going for Timone on The Lion King. Hakuna matata!

Jailbird408 4

You're going to get shot down for calling Ice Age a Disney film.

Ouch. I really hope that she was kidding. That's hurtful to say to someone you love. Sorry OP. Like many others are saying though, at least Sid was awesome and funny and adorable!

At least she didnt compare your manhood to the mammoth. And sid is cute so its no big deal

dont mind me, Im just trying to get the "100 Kickass Comments" achievement.wouldnt be so hard if i had to wait EVERY 3O ******* SECONDS!!!