By Anonymous - 09/06/2013 05:01 - United States

Today, my wife decided to check her email, while I was still inside her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 310
You deserved it 13 178

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I got bad news about your sex game...

MrSarcasmic 10

she was actually writing an FML of her own


montyss2000 4

that's when you finish on her face

**** your life? At least you got some!

Girreth 7

I have to agree. **** your life? More like **** your wife. In more ways than one.

Wow that's so disrespectful, I only check Facebook when my fiancé and I have sex, but emails?

meherm 11

Sounds like she finished first and got bored .... Step up the game.

if she actually finished i doubt she was bored.

That would be about the time she started singing roll out wouldn't it?

as the great akon once sung "doesn't matter had sex" however talk to her about it and see how you can involve her more into the whole act

Looks like you should think about switching Inboxes.