By Anonymous - 09/06/2013 05:01 - United States

Today, my wife decided to check her email, while I was still inside her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 310
You deserved it 13 178

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I got bad news about your sex game...

MrSarcasmic 10

she was actually writing an FML of her own


imtooshy 18

I'm not sure how I'd even handle that situation....sorry, **** your life is right.

skittycat213 19

Get her attention by knocking on the back door?

OP- She's saying you're such an intense and amazing lover that she can have overwhelming orgasms AND check her email. Yeah, that's it! Tell yourself that, it will salve your seriously burned ego. YDI for being a boring lay!! FHL for having to have sex with you!!

sounds like your dad skipped out on the clit talk

Reminds me of a joke about a hooker and a john that took to long. She shoved a pencil up his ass and told him if he couldn't cum, write. At least she didn't shove the computer up your ass.

I would have pulled out, rubbed one out and then go find a girlfriend until your wife agrees to therapy or whatever else she needs to come to terms with.

sammyjanette 17

So, you would break your vowels, because you can't please your wife? At least she's having sex with you.

@58 You should listen to #87. People won't understand a word you say if you go around breaking your vowels. :) Also, don't be an ass. Nothing excuses cheating.

sammyjanette 17

That was funny! I should definitely be strung up for writing vowels instead of vows though.

Were any of the emails important or just spam like usual?