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By Anonymous - 29/06/2014 17:26 - United States - Las Vegas

Today, my wife has a bruise on her cheek from a nasty trip while practicing her yoga. She now thinks it's hilarious to flinch in public when I get near her, and keeps telling people she "walked into a door". I've gotten more dirty looks than I can count. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 345
You deserved it 5 173

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time say I already warned you once.

subgub2222 16

That horrible and people like your wife are the reason so many people don't take real domestic abuse seriously, your wife and people who do what she's doing are making domestic abuse into a big joke when it's really something very serious.


Your wife is an insult to abused women everywhere.

That's really disrespectful to people who really are victims of domestic abuse...

I really don't understand why this would amuse her. Not only could she get you into serious trouble, she should be embarrassed. Speaking from experience, it's embarrassing to be seen with someone who would dare do that to you. To still be with them and let the beating continue? I wouldn't be caught dead.

pointingirl 2

I don't understand why so many people are saying things about him going to jail... She would have to press charges for anything to happen to him which she obviously isn't going to do.

Your wife is a dick. Which is more of a compliment than anything else. Wait until she's begging for some "fun" and get her all excited before rolling over and going to bed.

I'd say turn about is fair play time she pulls that, I'd drop to the ground, cowering & shriek "no, honey....why do you always wanna hit me? don't hit me anymore...I'll be a good boy!". I was in a relationship for 13 yrs w/a woman who tried to beat on me but cops always thought it was the other way around...I even sat in jail for 13 hrs. FYL OP..yes I was young & stupid @ the time.