By Anonymous - 01/03/2013 07:18 - United States - American Canyon

Today, my wife packed my lunch. Inside of my lunchbox was a photo of her eating my sandwiches. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 712
You deserved it 7 410

Same thing different taste

Top comments

whackingsoup 9

I know what I'm doing next time someone expects me to pack their lunch;)


peachesncreem 21

I'm so going to do this to my fiancé on Monday :D thanks OP!

hanymandy 6

Hahah that's awesome! Your wife is funny

U_GotitDude 18

Troll wife strikes again! FYL op

DasHaas 9

That's actually quite funny, assuming you work somewhere that has an option for you to get lunch some other way :P

If she ever asks for sexy times, give her a picture of you jizzing on one of her pictures. Feminists, easy on me now.

It's not feminists; judging by your score you've unleashed the wrath of the internet's unlaid.

You didn't tell her to go into the kitchen and make you a sammich did you? I could see how it could cheese her off. At yeast she has a sense of humor.

Troll Wife has started a prank war. Your move ;)

BellaBelle_fml 23

Exactly! Marriage is so much more fun when you can prank and laugh with each other. Fun times and good memories.

LightsxOut 10

You should probably tell her it's not April Fool's Day yet. One more month.