By Anonymous - 21/09/2011 18:39 - United States

Today, my wife told me the main reason she married me is because I have a cool last name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 980
You deserved it 4 517

Same thing different taste


lmaoatall 6

I like to introduce... Mr. And mrs. Busterbalz..that sounds pretty cool.

Lord and Lady Douchbag? (old SNL reference)

Tell her that the main reason you married her is because you convinced yourself it was time to settle for less.

SadisticStephyy 21
yoshivar2002 0

It doesn't really suck, at least she married you? And Idk if ydi, since you inherited the name..

My girl only went out with me because of my name. And because I fly! Muahaha :P