By Anonymous - 21/09/2011 18:39 - United States

Today, my wife told me the main reason she married me is because I have a cool last name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 980
You deserved it 4 517

Same thing different taste


Well , if it is either Norris or Potter , I would totally marry you too .

cuddlebunny3548 11

Lol sound like something I would do :/

bobby94_fml 0

Mr sherbert? I would marry u 2 if thats the case

PinkPrincesse 0
DreBeezy 9

Well, hey atleast you can flaughnt about your cool last name

mj_ok 9

Well, is your last name cool?(:

HeavenKD 3

I've yet to read any comments any comments as I'm on a mobile platform and i assume that I will be the 99999999th person to ask but, what is your last name?

Now, go to your wife, look her straight in the eye being all serious and say "Let's make babies now!!"

matttheman25 8

YDI for falling for her but kudos to an epic name. If you didn't like it that's when you take her name(people do that believe it or not).