By Anonymous - 01/09/2011 18:02 - United States

Today, my wife told our six year old daughter that the devil beats his wife whenever there's a rainbow. Now she won't stop crying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 740
You deserved it 4 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She will never look at Skittles the same again...

Now that kid will never be able to enjoy a rainbow, nice going.


Wow, there are a lot of people without a sense of humor. This kid is not scarred for life. She won't fear rainbows forever. When she grows up, she'll remember this as just another funny story from when she was a kid. Kids cry about lots of things, but the worst thing you can do is shelter them. I thought this one was hilarious.

sirencouture 3

I thought that when it rains on a clear, sunny day that the devil is beating his wife......ohwell.

YourWhaleisFail 5

That is so messed up its funny, or I have something wrong with me. Probably the second one.

Your wife has major issues! Poor little girl

That what I got told and he beat that botch hard :-p Na joking that's wrong

With a nutjob like that for a wife, her time of the month must be hell for you.

daydreamer244 13

at least he won't beat his wife when there's a double rainbow, now those things are badass!

Notime4bull 4

Your wife is the most accomplished troll ever OP.