By Anonymous - 01/09/2011 18:02 - United States

Today, my wife told our six year old daughter that the devil beats his wife whenever there's a rainbow. Now she won't stop crying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 740
You deserved it 4 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She will never look at Skittles the same again...

Now that kid will never be able to enjoy a rainbow, nice going.


Just tell her the truth. There is no such thing as the devil

What!?!! That doesn't even make sense, how did that come up?!?!

WTF is wrong with your wife? this screams mentally ill...

silversonic75 6

There are several discrepancies with that theory.... 1. The devil doesn't have a wife, and he subjects every person in Hell to eternal punishment. So he beats everyone in a special way that will make them experience torture forever without the concept of death getting in the way. 2. There are no rainbows in Hell, and it is not possible to see the sky from underground. 3. Finally, the devil is supposedly a demonic goat-man, not some kind of evil unicorn. Your daughter needs to know these things...

Lucysmom1 0

Wow that's just wrong of the wife

Wow, you're wife sounds like a really sweet lady. What a friggen jackass... Like, was that her idea of how to make your poor, innocent daughter smile? "oh, it's ok if bad women get beaten, Hunny, they deserve it!"

Is your wife insane?? A four year old kid!!!! RAINBOWS :O

MsMeiriona 2

Wait, the devil has a wife now?

I wonder what happens when there's a double rainbow O_O