By Bratty son - 23/10/2012 04:25 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, my young son and I were in line at Subway. I guess he got bored and started to insult the teenage girl behind us. I tried to get him to stop, but he wouldn't listen. Eventually the girl punched him in the face and left. As my son cried uncontrollably, everyone else there clapped. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 395
You deserved it 59 595

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not only would I have clapped too, I would've burst out laughing. Your son had it coming.


legal371 5

"Young" is probably a 12 yr old. And nice. If the girl had a bf, kids lucky he wasn't there. Woulda done more than just punch him

daringtoride 27

I bet he won't do that again!

BellaBelle_fml 23

Sadly, I wouldn't be at all surprised if he did something like that again.

I'm not quite sure why there are so many YDI's because OP said she tried to stop him so I am not quite sure what led this to be her fault.

Because "trying" is not enough. If your child starts insulting people you apologize to them and put a stop to it. If you can't do that - sometimes they go into full-on brat mode, that can happen - then you leave with them and punish them later. You don't just say "stop insulting that girl" and keep letting it happen. Just to clarify: discipline is not the same as spanking - there are plenty of ways you can discipline a child like removal of privileges, timeouts, no cookies ...

RedPillSucks 31

spanking is a form of discipline. Removal of privileges, (no cookies, seriously???) is a belated discipline that takes place well after the incident. At the very least, she should have left with the child instead of letting it happen. The child needed immediate consequences, not something that may or may not happen hours later.

133 - Exactly! Spanking (when used correctly) isn't "child abuse" and won't "harm the childs mental development". I've heard both excuses. As long as you aren't leaving bruises, drawing blood or resorting to spanking all the time, it isn't abuse. And it won't stub their mental development or cause them to grow up into serial killers. I was spanked as a kid if I was caught sucking my thumb. I was told many times not to and even got a glove duck taped to my hand to prevent it (among many other ways of trying to get me to stop). So I knew I wasn't supposed to and when I deliberately disobeyed, my bare ass got smacked. I quickly learned to stop and it didn't mess me up in any way.

fireflygirl13 0

You got spanked for sucking your thumb? Omg ur parents were so mean. I feel sorry for you

mojofrizz17 3

There's no "your son deserved it" option.

he's HER responsibility. Nobody needs to beat a kid for discipline but seriously......just ****** leave and quit crying about it. Parenting just might be inconvenient sometimes but you don't let that shit happen. Bad mom, no cookie!

It's only going to get worse when he gets older. Better nip it in the bud. His brattiness shouldn't have gotten to the point that you couldn't control him and get him to stop. I don't think he deserved to get a punch in the face but hopefully he'll learn a lesson to be more respectful to others.

thetechdude22 0

Can bad parenting be a factor In this? I am 14 and I would never had insulted a stranger, because my mother taught me well

courtneyann211 10

It's a matter of time. Whether you realize you do it or not. Sort of like judging a book by the cover but from a distance they can't hear you

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say bad parenting was the ONLY factor here. I have a feeling the OP would fail to see it that way though. She'll have fun taking care of that delinquent for the rest of his life.

That's true, but OP (not her child) still deserved it.

Why would you let your son do that i would not let mine