By Bratty son - 23/10/2012 04:25 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, my young son and I were in line at Subway. I guess he got bored and started to insult the teenage girl behind us. I tried to get him to stop, but he wouldn't listen. Eventually the girl punched him in the face and left. As my son cried uncontrollably, everyone else there clapped. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 395
You deserved it 59 595

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not only would I have clapped too, I would've burst out laughing. Your son had it coming.


medichick 5

I would have laughed, little boys can be little bastards. I have one and if this would have happened to my kid, I would have said oh well that's what you get lol.

VooDooCarrie91 19

76- I have two boys and they are wonderfully behaved. I know I'll never have to worry about them slinging insults and a random stranger decking them because they would never do anything like that in the first place. Parenting...apparently it's a lost art.

medichick 5

I never said my son wasn't well behaved. He's an amazing little man and I'm an awesome mom. But kids have no fitters and say whatever is on their mind no matter what. So don't judge.

Girl has sense! And teach your son some patience and concentration... Subway is way too quick to get bored at. Holy moly.

Damn OP, your son has no respect for you or anyone else, that'll get him nowhere in life real quick. He's still young, you can probably still fix this behavior if you actually discipline him.

Why the hell were you letting your son insult not only someone you don't know, but also a girl. You deserved it for not controlling your kid.

Did someone in the crowd yell something along the lines of "Bet ya won't hit him?"

Six is old enough to know better. He wouldn't stop? Seriously? My kids would never ever consider acting like that. Because they'd be in so much trouble. And any time my kids decided to act up in a store I took them outside until they straightened up and went back in and did what i needed to - buy groceries, sandwiches, whatever....I told them this could take 20 minutes or 3 hours. You really need to get a handle on him, gets harder as they get older.

So if someone was insulting you incessantly and wouldn't stop or go away, you'd just stand there and go "okay"? If it was me I'd get just as pissed as the girl. If the only way to shut them up is a punch in the face, it's happening.

skyeyez9 24

Just see this as a hard lesson learned by your son. He will probably not insult or harass anybody else, ever.

This FML makes no sense. Who lets their "young" son insult a teenager in the middle of a restaurant and then does not have said teenager arrested for assault of a "young" child? This one shouldn't have made it past the moderators.

CoolRainbowdash 15

If I was OP, I would give everyone the finger