By Anon - 10/06/2012 04:19 - United States

Today, neither of my parents fought for my custody. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 902
You deserved it 3 800

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vaughant 5

That's terrible OP I'm sorry

AngelicTide 11

Sorry OP. it's their lose not yours! Count it as a blessing that you're not stuck with two people not worthy of being your parent.


Sucks man everything will get better. But someone tell me what OP is.

Look at it this way When it's nursing home time send them to some crappy place in Mexico where they will be used as drug mules, nothing says revenge like making a person be forced to cram rubbers full of cocaine in their bum for the rest of their life


Send them to a nursing home as soon as possible

eastsidesoldier 7

I would fight for u:)... U as a dependent makes more money for me during tax season:)

Haaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahajaja god that's funny you mad bro? Prolly an understandable reason to not fight for ya

Watch out guys, we've got an asshole over here! Pay him no mind; I'll quarantine the area so his ignorance doesn't spread. You're welcome.

Dammit Baustigt, I had everything planned out! Now you're going to waste taxpayer money and be a reject for the re-- *Finds vaccine in pocket* -Oh. Well I guess you could use this. Wanna go get some coffee?

I will leave my reply at I hope you are banned from this app/website.

43 your comment made me die a little inside.

Thumbs up to the die a little inside now try just actually dyin help the world out a little

haaaaaahahahahahahahahahahaa it's more sad that u took the time to type allllllllll of that out instead of doing something productive like have a life god u people crack me up posting on here looking for support while u think ur sarcastometer was an intelligent " burn " it still doesn't beat out the ultimate burn each one of you has received called wait for it I know mad bro ???? Lmao

My thumb accidentally hit the thumbs up button to your comment^. I'm unbelievably mad, bro.

Haaahahahahahahahahahahahahaha she thumbed up the death comment bahahahahahahhaahaha it secretly means u agree with it

Where did you get that logic from? Preschool?

108 - Yeah, sure, totally... ABSOLUTELY ******* NOT. Dumbass.

Uh, seanv_18. I can't believe YOU took the time to type all of THAT. Don't be a hypocrite. This comment took me exactly 18 seconds to type. Oops, that's 18 seconds I'll never get back. What a shame.

Lmao all u people .....u mad bro ???? It's funny tho I know none of u would say or do anything in person that I wouldn't laugh an laugh an laugh directly into ur faces over

jayhawkchik 4

Hahaha, You suk BRO! Go GTL you little jersey shore wannabe oompah !

Sorry not from jersey sad that u used that anagram looser ......u mad bro????

It's really sad u used GTL I just laugh an laugh an laugh at all of you on here face to face doesn't matter no one would do anything an I'd ask every time at the end mad bro ?

Wow...this fool is still spewing his ignorance? Last time I checked there were only 5 replies.... Pay the troll no mind people. He takes joy from pissing others off...which is why he will stay in his mother's basement until the age of 60, fapping to animal ****, with no hope for a productive life of his own. It must be sad that the only thing you can come up with is "lolz u mad bro??" You must get ALL the chicks at school...when you're not getting the shit beat out of you, of course. Enjoy it while it lasts, asshat. It's the form of pleasure you'll get in your miserable life.

That's just so sad. Shame on them. Sorry for you OP but what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.

This is definitely a terrible situation but you might come out of this better than you were. If you're old enough, you can try emancipation. Find a friend or family member you can stay with until you finish school. Get a part-time job so you don't become too much of a financial burden to anyone else. Whatever you do, don't let their actions define you.

manzylittle3759 6

Why does anyone deserve this?

Assholes like 43 that think they know everything, but are so ignorant.

Unless your mom's a crackhead, you'll most likely automatically end up with her. Dads, unfortunately, usually get screwed when it comes to custody battles. Or.... They both feel as if you're old enough to decide where you want to live and giving you the option.