By Anon - 10/06/2012 04:19 - United States

Today, neither of my parents fought for my custody. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 902
You deserved it 3 800

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vaughant 5

That's terrible OP I'm sorry

AngelicTide 11

Sorry OP. it's their lose not yours! Count it as a blessing that you're not stuck with two people not worthy of being your parent.


I know its a long shot but is there a chance they have a pre-arranged custody agreement prior to separating? Custody battles can be lengthy and costly, and they may have an arrangment they both agreed on to avoid totaking it to court. Excuse the "totaking" typo. Despite my several attempts to fix it my phone is having none of it =/

Apperantly the pre arranged agreement is " damn we could do better off without him what a **** up " lmao

109, every comment you've had so far has been thumbed down. They are all here on this FML.

ChannySai 7

I hate how there are people in the world that would love to have children + a family. And cannot conceive. Then there are facefucks in this sad world who can, and they underappreciate their creations. **** the world.

Op maybe it has nothing to do with you? Maybe they just don't want to fight, for your sake. As a mother who has been in a terribly nasty custody battle, I would never want another child to go through what my child has been through. Thank god my kidos were young enough not to be truly effected by it, but had they been older it would have been devastating.

haleyneal 0

For the people who said that he deserved it… are complete ASSHOLES!!!! HOW TF DOD OP DESERVE IT!!!!! It's not his fault!!!!!! Ughhh… I bet if someone put on fml Today,my mom was murdered.FML Then people would still put YDI just to be mean or just for fun I mean I'm 12 and usually kids are mean but not me!!!! I mean can u imagine how OP must feel wen people put YDI no u dont so that means im more mature than some adults on this site!!!!

81, some people are all or nothing, either they care infinitely or they don't give a shit. I'm one of those people, seems like she is too. It's not a choice to overreact, my brain just does :/

YesyDidWhat 0

And the award for worst parents of the year goes too. . . OP's parents, Congratulations! Im sorry OP, I'm sure that at the end of the day their going to regret what they did and be forever alone. Show them what they missed out on:)

YesyDidWhat 0

Thank you, next time time I'll ask you if I spelled words wrong-.-

perdix 29

People are too materialistic these days. They both did a cost/benefit analysis on you, and your future earnings projection is so bleak, you're an unattractive business proposition. Sorry, but you should have tried harder in math.

Aspen_Grace33 27

This hit way too close to home for me. When I was 10 my mom never even showed up at the custody hearing. I wish you the best and I hope you can find someone who will love to be your parent(s). In my case it was my aunt, good luck!

From ur picture ........I can see why ........I know u mad bro....

lovebeecharmer 6

How could you "deserve" this?!? Oh gosh that's awful, and so is your situation!! I hope you are older and ready to leave or something.

You are more than welcome to come live with me op, i live alone in a big home....wouldn't make a difference if another person is living in the guest room :)

Just because they didn't fight over you does not mean they don't like you. My parents didn't fight over me and my brothers, my Dads away a lot so we live with our Mom now. We still see both and its been about 15 years or more now. As long as there not "fighting to not have you" then everything's fine and will work itself out.