By StinkyDogs - 27/03/2011 10:06 - United States

Today, on the way home from the dog groomer, my great Dane had a bout of diarrhea in the car. I slammed on the brakes and my other freshly shampooed dog slid off the seat and into the pile of crap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 691
You deserved it 11 262

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why the **** would you slam on the breaks, moron.

chester75 5

I just thought that by hitting the breaks gravity would return the shit to the dogs ass.


U should be so lazy and wash your own dog!

cerebral 0

you and your bitch totally deserved, you sound like you are too rich anyway...get over freshly shampooed dane, puhleass!

this is both. fyl because doggy diarreah in the car would suck ydi for slamming on your breaks, it wasn't necessary and you could have hurt one of the dogs or caused an accident

YDI. If you own dogs that need grooming, you'd think you'd learn to do that yourself.

zomglol 3

Why is your dog sliding off the seat?? All dogs should be restrained in moving vehicles, just like people should! I feel sorry for your dogs, but you deserve it. >=/

Babygirl2338 0

lmao sorry but i litterally laughed at this

You deserve it for having dogs in your car.