By TwinDad - 14/05/2009 15:24 - United States

Today, one of my three-year-old twin daughters asked, "Dad, can we get a cat?" I replied in a gentle dad voice, "No, honey, dad is allergic to cats. That means they make him sneeze and sniffle. So we can't get a cat. Sorry." After a slight pause, the other asked, "When you die can we get a cat?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 074
You deserved it 6 512

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Curtieeeez 0

Hehe, cute! She's only three, so I wouldn't take her too seriously :3


suaveneanderthal 0

they're ******* three years old give them a break man that was cute not an fml. you have issues

emilx 0

When i was a little kid I really desperately wanted a dog. My parents refused claiming that my father was allergic. I proceded to say; "When daddy dies can we get a dog?" You aren't the only one.

You should have replied: "Well, honey, this question you should be asking your mum then."

This wouldn't be an FML unless she was holding a meat cleaver when she asked that.

They are still young (repeating what some have already stated) look at it from a funny perspective, you'll be quite fine! cheers ;)

My twin and i did that when we were little. But it was my sister who was allergic, so instead of telling her to die and beat her up because she was the reason we couldn't have cats :3 but now we have kittens. And don't take them seriously. Tomorrow the kid that said that will come up to you crying and say "Don't die daddy! I didn't mean it!!!!"

Damn, lol ul be dead when they're like 40. that leaves only 1 option, MURDER CAREFUL MATE!

Well if they only make you "Sneeze and sniffle," then you're not deathly allergic. You can take medicine for that. I used to be allergic to cats, then we got two of them, I took the meds for a while, and eventually the allergy went away. Or you can play dead and see what they say.

lol don't take it too personally, they're only 3 years old... I don't think they really grasp the concept of deceased parents.

Occam 0