By Limalia - 24/01/2011 21:00 - Switzerland

Today, one week after my girlfriend berated me for not being invested enough in our relationship, I proposed to her. Her answer? "I meant give me an orgasm, not a ring!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 332
You deserved it 10 640

Same thing different taste


This depends in how long you've been together. A few months... a ring is probably a but far.

sounds like someone needs to extenz it up or work on your stick magic.

whitedeath15 0

I'm surprised no one has called out the fact that he proposed to her because he thinks she was pressuring him. A guy should propose when he's 100% certain that she's the one he wants to be with for the rest of his life, not cause he thinks she's pressuring him to. And please, if he could give women orgasms with a snap of his fingers, wouldn't that make him less invested in the relationship because then he can get plenty of easy *****? Other options, temptations, etc.

Oops... that was a comment posted after you did.

Chris19801012 0

Your such a puss!! Really, ask her to marry you?! Live your life and have fun.

Chris19801012 0

Your such a puss!! Really, ask her to marry you?! Live your life and have fun.

If you can't give her those, she shouldn't marry you. That would only end badly. She probably has one foot out the door and this is your warning. A guy who is selfish is not worth wasting time on. Time to up your game!

This is sad because either you have not even been with her long enough to figure out what she likes in bed and you're already pushing for marriage or you've been together long enough to logically consider marriage and you've not given her an ****** yet! Either way she does not sound that invested in the relationship and you guys need to, you know, communicate!

Why on Earth would you propose to her because she pressured (instead of doing it because you both feel ready)?? YDI on some levels for thinking that would solve everything instead of both learning to communicate properly, also for staying with a girl who clearly sounds like a bit of a fail. FYL.

Her pleasure is just as important as Your own. and obviously your to focused on yourself in the bedroom.