By Anonymous - 09/12/2011 18:44 - United States

Today, our Christmas tree was damaged beyond repair after my son and his friends borrowed it for a little experiment. They tied balloons to the branches and tried to make it fly, after seeing a similar video online. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 615
You deserved it 3 553

Same thing different taste

Top comments


ArmedcrackerR6 8
flockz 19

your son and his friends all sound like a bunch of saps.

slushpup9696 12

leaf them alone, they're just kids.

And I always thought that movie "Up" was just a lie...

Conley78643 0

My question is where did they get that many balloons? If it was my son I would have helped him try and make it fly. Sounds fun and now i want to try it. Thanks op

rcloca 10

I wish you a Merry Christmas and hopefully there's no more flying trees.

well, since your tree is now "beyond repair" (What?), you can always make it work this time...

fthislyfe 22

Why was it damaged? Did it fly and fall on the ground?

At least they didn't try to jump off the roof with an umbrella.