By Someone - 16/04/2014 00:20 - Canada - Windsor

Today, our family went to a water park. The park's mascot came up to greet us, and my daughter got scared. She then refused to go inside, so we had no choice but to leave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 049
You deserved it 5 823

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when you drag her in so the other members of your family days aren't ruined...

mimiminx 23

YDI. No one should let small children dictate to them.


ydi you shouldn't let your children run you! assert your dominance and drag her ass in there!

I'd have threatened her she can walk home alone and pretend to start going without her

Here's an idea. Nut up and be the parent. Do as I say when I say it or there will be consequences.

TheDrifter 23

But running from their fears instead of dealing with them on the spot does nothing at all to help your child. Taking the time to calm a hysterical child and explaining what's going on with the mascot and what to expect inside is a far better solution than simply going home and leaving the child's fear of mascots intact.

I would have taken her somewhere to calm her down & take her mind off the mascot and had another family member explain to the park people that she is obviously afraid of the mascot and to have him stay away when you try to go back in later on. I'm assuming off the fear the kid is fairly young so a quick trip to get a cookie or ice cream would probably be enough time to take her mind off the mascot

You could have explain to the child that the Mascot was just a person inside making other laugh and etc... You could have drag her in she would cry but would stop after seeing so many fun slides and etc...

Unluckymeow 9

I had something similar happen to me when I was younger, except this was one ride at an amusement park. My family wanted to go on this water ride that shot straight down at the end. I hate those rides, and still hate them today. I kept telling my mom I didn't want to ride it and I would wait for them, but she kept telling me I was going on it, to the point where she was screaming at me. I flew into hysterics because I did NOT want to, and my mother threatened to leave the park if I didn't. Safe to say, I didn't go on it and we stayed at the park. I had no problem riding the rest of the rides that day, but if someone does not want to do something, don't force them. I respect your decision OP, FYL.