By Someone - 16/04/2014 00:20 - Canada - Windsor

Today, our family went to a water park. The park's mascot came up to greet us, and my daughter got scared. She then refused to go inside, so we had no choice but to leave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 049
You deserved it 5 823

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when you drag her in so the other members of your family days aren't ruined...

mimiminx 23

YDI. No one should let small children dictate to them.


The op didn't mention the kids age but I'm guessing its around 3-5. A little one who is scared often can't be calmed by having the fear explained. And telling them to get over can just make it worse. The last thing anyone wants is 8 hours of a upset kid.

I wonder how many of these people actually have children, because many don't seem to realize how bad a scared child can be...

My cousin's parents had this issue, best thing you can do is forcibly take the kid in, let them ride some rides, and avoid the mascots. Do NOT let them have their way or they'll just remember the entire trip as a bad experience.

Did you at least try to figure out why she was so scared of the mascot? Maybe tell the mascot doesn't follow you inside and she wouldn't have to see it in there? while you shouldn't let your child dictate what the family does she does need support. so why not trying to figure out a solution before just throwing in the towel. giving into your child like that will teach them that throwing a tantrum will get them what they want but there is no need to push the child to the point she is traumatized becausIe of. There are methods that could have been used before just leaving.

dealing with your fears are one thing but at certain ages kids are going to be scared of something no matter what. until they see it as unscary or just out grow it. Also trying to force them to face that fear could traumatize them. making them face it depends on the age of the child. If they are like 3 then no making them face it isn't a good idea. now if they were 6 or 7 they need to face it.

devans00 14

So OP. You plan to have a child dictate the rest of your life? The whole point of being a parent is to help your kid get over things they are afraid of or unfamiliar with. You just taught her to throw a fit every time there's something uncomfortable in life.

rawlings123 17

"we had no choice but to leave". Ha you're child whipped

Asstarotte 7

Then I would grab her by the arm and drag her in. I ain't wasting no money doing that shit. You gotta discipline her

Asstarotte 7

This has happened to me once and still at my age with my deathly grave fear of rollercoasters. That's when you grab them put them through whatever they don't like. It's called parenting