By treehugger - 20/03/2012 09:47 - Singapore - Singapore

Today, since I was grounded, I tried to sneak out of my room to attend a party by climbing out the second-storey window and down the tree. I was unharmed, but I probably should have checked to see if my dad was in the garden before climbing down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 044
You deserved it 49 385

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry but no party is worth me climbing out a second story window. I rather not have a life than have a broken neck.


Your parents should keep you grounded until you learn how to spell simple words like STORY

Um dad I was getting my trash. I threw out the window. Found it. It was u. 2 more weeks of ground

A girl at my school did that and broke both of her legs.

PistolWhiper93 0

Hmm... should have thought that through before hand yes.

Did you climb back up the tree to your room or did you use the front door?

... Or you just do what your parents tell you to do. Know matter which way you slice it, YDI. Let's go through the options, shall we? 1.) YDI Because you never would have gotten grounded if you didn't do something that you were supposed to do. 2.) YDI because you were not mature and didn just take the punishment you were given. 3.) Your parents pay for nearly everything you have. The least you can do is respect them and their rules. I won't continue, but I'm sorry to go so hard on you in this comment. I hope that you see the importance of respect. :)

You didn't look down and see him BEFORE you climbed out. I would've quietly gotten up and sprayed you with the waterhose until you fell.

Meesersuperman1 4

Shows how smart you are spelling "storey" wrong.

hazleydsweethrt 0

Shows how smart you are, storey is correct. You sneak out of the second storey window. You read a bed time story.

barneystinson555 12

shows how smart you are, storey's is the right ******* way