By treehugger - 20/03/2012 09:47 - Singapore - Singapore

Today, since I was grounded, I tried to sneak out of my room to attend a party by climbing out the second-storey window and down the tree. I was unharmed, but I probably should have checked to see if my dad was in the garden before climbing down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 044
You deserved it 49 385

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry but no party is worth me climbing out a second story window. I rather not have a life than have a broken neck.


You should probably take remedial spelling. How do you spell story?

You are stupid for trying thay when grounded ... Hmmmm maybe thats the reason for groundation .... This is not an fml this is just you gettinf caught for being an idiot amd not planning correctly

You spelled story wrong, but I agree, ur life sucks...

As soon as I read that you tried to sneak out despite being grounded, I hit YDI. Plus, you didn't check to see if your dad was in the garden below, and you did something to get yourself grounded to begin with. So I'd say that yes, YDI.

for_the_win2 10 spelled story

Um, if you thought posting this would make people feel sorry for you, then you're wrong. Why couldn't you of just been a good person and wait out your grounding? YDI.

happilyever2012 6

I woulda use the excuse: "Dad, you need to fix that window. I fell out of it!"

my friend did that...and broke her back because she fell from a tree. :/