By treehugger - 20/03/2012 09:47 - Singapore - Singapore

Today, since I was grounded, I tried to sneak out of my room to attend a party by climbing out the second-storey window and down the tree. I was unharmed, but I probably should have checked to see if my dad was in the garden before climbing down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 044
You deserved it 49 385

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry but no party is worth me climbing out a second story window. I rather not have a life than have a broken neck.


Today I was playing with my 8month baby nephew who I have not seen in a few months at a close family wedding. Only to find when giving him back I had a orange green stain on my nude tone brides maid dress... His damn dad didn't put a dipper on him... And the wedding just started! FML

I've always been quite happy not partying... I did a few times but the blacking out and puking soooo wasn't worth it. Ydi OP, you'll understand the reasons behind everything your parents did when you have your own kids (which, no offense, I hope you don't).

casemier16 0

one does not simply escape from the window

caitiebug1119 15

Hehehe fail :) Should've told him you were getting your exercise ninja style.

Maybe you should've been studying spelling instead ;)

purplebutters 7

You spelled *story* wrong lol

sillycart 9

I have no sympathy for you. Along with the 9653 YDI voters.

projudy 9