By treehugger - 20/03/2012 09:47 - Singapore - Singapore

Today, since I was grounded, I tried to sneak out of my room to attend a party by climbing out the second-storey window and down the tree. I was unharmed, but I probably should have checked to see if my dad was in the garden before climbing down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 044
You deserved it 49 385

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry but no party is worth me climbing out a second story window. I rather not have a life than have a broken neck.


Assuming this party isn't during the day... Why was your dad gardening at night?

YDI big time for not listening to your parents and being a teenage idiot.

Haha. Keep your butt inside. Parents set rules for a reason. Trust me. You'll understand one day :)

Rammer3500 23

The fact you misspelled the word story has destroyed any amount of pity I may have had for your sorry arse