By ms piggy - 15/12/2011 21:52 - United States

Today, stepping on a scale for the first time in years, I had to lift up my stomach to see the number. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 024
You deserved it 43 106

Same thing different taste

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izaco 0

Today I realised I went down five belt notches since the beginning of the year

Babushka_fml 4
RadiantDawn93 0

If your stomach is that large then that couldn't have surprised you.

Were the numbers as big as the shock you couldn't see them?

tydunham22 7

dont panic the same thing happened to me and i set goals i lost about a pound a week just eat healthier and exercise dont bindge eat and write down what you eat everyday and how much you exercise and youll see results

AmandaIsMyName 0

So let me guess.. 349.8!!! GROSS!

Reminds me of Adam Sandler jn the movie Click. haha.. i mean.. eww.

pfx2_fml 15

Did you really need to get on a scale to know your over weight