By Anonymous - 17/07/2010 06:16 - United States

Today, the airport security guard told me to lift my fat rolls so he could finish patting me down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 661
You deserved it 47 211

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ArtIsResistance7 1

Time to do some good ol' fashion exercise... Put your hands up to the ceiling, bend your knees, and touch your toes. Do your daily exercises, you're gonna look like skin and bone. :)

Were you too big to fit through the metal detector too?


lol smart way for a terrorist to smuggle something on tho... get so fat the 'rolls' conceal it lol!

This isn't F your life, it's F the life of the people/person sitting next to you.

no it's more like this today, I had to check under some fat chicks rolls, FML.

kekywobble 0

that must be sad fyl . and to the rest of u stop being so mean thats y one day someone u talked crap about in ur perfect little lives will shoot up ur job and hopefully u will be killed, slowly and painfully :)

People *do* have physiological issues that result in weight gain (thyroid, genetic metabolism, etc.), as well as other complications (medications, depression, limited budget) that can have the same effect. Not that the OP probably falls into one if these categories, but just because you don't want to hear it doesn't mean it's not the case, or at least a possibility. In short: I don't give a rats ass about what you do or do not want to hear.

"Creepy" really doesn't go far enough. Douchbag is getting closer.

kekywobble 0
maywright4u 0

I work for TSA and yea it's a **** our life..loose weight we hate patting down fat people it smells like sweat and it's extra fat to touch and when you hear us laughing yes it's about you guys!!

SoIcyKoolin 0

Hahaha daamn thats ****** up! if you that big, you shoulda beat his ass