By holycrap - 03/03/2010 05:37 - United States

Today, the bartender pulled me aside and told me that she saw my date slip something into my drink. Who was my date? My husband of four years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 863
You deserved it 2 800

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is when you have a very, very serious conversation. And find out how long he has been slipping you mickies every night.

you should gave switched the drinks if they were the same


OR it was someone else and your husband didn't know that the guy sitting next to you was starring

You need to report the BARTENDER to the management and local newspaper. He is a class act, a man in the midst of boys. "All that evil needs to triumph is for good men to do nothing". His actions deserve recoginition.

Nice thought, but the bartender is a "she" as stated in the OP. Funny how we assign genders automatically to occupations.

Before I jump on the "OH NOES YOU'RE HUSBENDZZ IS VILLIANZZZ" bandwagon, I'd like to point out that maybe, just MAYBE, the bartender was mistaken (or drunk, or mischievous, or on a dare).

sks4613 1

nope my guess it was ALi the weight loss pill

#63 - That's what I was thinking. Why does everybody assume it's roofies? Must husbands I know would be way more likely to sneak a diet pill in their wife's drink. That or Prozac to make them nag less. If a guy is going to go to the trouble of drugging and raping a girl, why not find somebody hotter than his wife

ryguy997 0


if u give it up, he wouldn't have to slip u roofies.

Why didn't you drink it ? Its your husband, worst case scenario, he slipped you roofies and you are having sex tonight. Best case scenario, you drink it and it turns out there is nothing in it. BTW, nice relationship you have with your husband when a random bartender can shatter all the trust between you using one sentence.

He should have just used my line, Excuse me miss, does this rag smell like chloroform? Why the hell does my auto complete have chloroform in it? That is just too effin weird.

Bartender was a she so unless she was a lesbian trying to pick up someone she see's to be straight, she wasn't trying to get laid.