By Headache - 01/03/2013 13:20 - United States

Today, the "Child Care and Development" class at my high school assigned all 50 students to carry a fake baby around school all day for a week. I can't even read a page of my notes without hearing a robotic crying noise. Today is the first day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 952
You deserved it 4 801

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide, anybody?

lissa_jade 22

moral of the story: you only have this baby for a week and it's already driving you nuts. a real one you're stuck with for at least 18 years. DONT HAVE A BABY FOR A VERY VERY LONG TIME. (:


Toeshoes3 4

I hate those robot babies. I heard noises for a week after taking care of it.

NOT RECOMMENDED FOR USE ON REAL LIVE BABIES but I recommend taking the batteries out if you can.

perdix 29

Practice abstinence and get on the Pill and make your boyfriend wear a condom 24/7, even though you do no more than shake hands with him fully-clothed. You are not ready for parenting!

How would he urinate if he wore a condom 24/7?

perdix 29

Ok, 23.9/7. He gets 6 minute a day for penile hygiene and urination. During this 6 minutes, he needs to be in a separate building from the OP.

Bad Luck Brian. Both he and his girlfriend are at the top of the empire state building.

skyeyez9 24

When I was in school, we had the choice to either carry around a hardboiled egg or a bag of flour for a week as the "baby." Sucks for kids today with the robot screaming babies. I remember occasionally seeing a broken egg or flour all over the hallways between classes.

I see the robot baby as a great way to teach kids now that taking care of a baby is harder than it looks, and help them make the right decisions in life.

Paulie_D2012 3

Yeah I had to do that. It's not that bad.

wrap it in a towel until it muffles the sound. its not a real baby afterall

my old high school only assigns them to like 4 people at a time and each class gets a different month. ofc there was only 4 dolls after disastrous "mishaps" but also this couldve happened

I remember I had to carry around a sack of flour (instead of a robotic baby) in my middle school bio class. Of course mine had a hole in it. My teacher made me carry it around in a shopping bag.

I'm doing that in two weeks! Can't wait!