By played - 21/06/2011 05:07 - Norway

Today, the girl I've been dating for several months, and fallen in love with, said "We're just friends, right? My mom thinks I'm leading you on." FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 935
You deserved it 4 887

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"My mom thinks." She knows what she's doing. Blow her off without so much as goodbye. Manipulative...


Women aren't as blind and stupid as they act about relationships. Continue as things have bern going with her, while starting to see someone else.

Agreed. She knows exactly what she's doing, and how you feel about her. This is a classic move from a manipulative girl.

22cute 17

I promise you she doesn't know. And it's called naieve not blind & stupid...and I'm afraid they are.

Sunny_Eclipse 6

sounds like the beginning of a nice **** buddy relationship.

it seems they never did it in the first place. Sex for women is a definite flag for "hes interested". Unfortunately it is one of the very few flags that women possess. Being nice and respectful and kind and caring apparently are signs for friendship.

bitches are always gonna be bitches.

You have to let them know how you feel RIGHT AWAY. If you dont they will stick in the friends bucket and you wont come out. This girls sounds like she found a douche bag to claim her own. Move on and remember for next time tell her your intentions.

Provi90 0
staychill 16

where you guys at the very least kissing? cus if u were n flirting a lot I cud see how u thot tht

That type of bitch will usually let you do everything in the world for her, then end up running off and screwing some douch bag at the drop of a hat. Give her a taste of her own medicine then get out