By IneedMaury - 16/06/2014 15:30 - United States - Lowell

Today, the girl who broke up with me and disappeared 6 years ago wished me a happy Father's Day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 456
You deserved it 6 308

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if it was me, I'd still like to know who my kid is even if I had to pay child support


some people in this world are so cracked in the head

Well that's not what you wanna hear/see after 6 years

Last time I checked my dad is still my dad.... Even though it's been way more than 6 years since my mom and dad did the horizontal boogaloo that led to my birth. It's called the chick is psycho and is A)******* with him B) ran away while pregnant. Either way, psycho.

of course she was pregnant back when she left him, i dont know how else this could be taken. the fml is the fact that he hasnt been in the childs life all those years. (unless he has his own kids now and thats what shes talking about, but thats not a fml)

Well you now have contact with her if needed...but just take the happy fathers day as a nice gesture

nurchok 15

#17, ... or C) she ran off, got pregnant from someone else and is now trying to make OP responsible; or D) she wants to get back with OP, and randomly wished happy father's day. Either way this needs a followup...

nurchok 15

#10, I think that's the whole point of the FML

That has to be the cruelest joke ever bro :0 and to find out 6 years later... Hopefully she's just lying like girls always do. Hopefully