By Allenburg - 18/01/2009 01:38 - United States

Today, the guy I've had a crush on for a while called me and asked me over. I took a cab to his place and when I got there he was dressed in leather and wore a mask... It took me a 20 dollar cab fare to realize my crush is a freak. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 740
You deserved it 7 538

Same thing different taste

Top comments

instantaction 0

That's kind of offensive, you calling the guy a freak. I dunno, maybe he thought you'd be into it and wanted to surprise you- some people like that, after all, so he was KIND of taking a chance with you. You could've just told him you're not into that kind of thing.


"Today, I called the girl I've had a crush on for a while and asked her over. She took a cab to my place and when she got there I tried to surprise her with something I thought she might like and so I answered the door dressed in leather and wearing a mask... My crush thinks I am a freak. FML" awesomeness

whats wrong with S&M ur a bit narow minded.... u could have just said im not into that and im sure he would be flexible....

Whether you like leather or not, calling someone a freak after they decided to share something they find interesting with you is kind of shallow and narrow-minded. Nice going.

If I rocked up at the girl I like's place and she was wearing leather and a mask, I'd tell her to take off the mask. You should have gotten into it hey.

starburst_boy 0

He isn't a "freak" just because his fetishes aren't the same as yours.

fallen_dragonkin 12

i don't see anything freakish about wearing leather or masks.

easylazy 0
Layneebby 0

That's kinky. Kinky is fun. You missed out on some fun.