By kaitlin - 19/02/2010 06:30 - Australia

Today, I lost my virginity to an ultrasound probe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 132
You deserved it 4 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least the probe won't brag to his all his friends about it. Anyway, was it good for you?

cbutters 0

Was the ultrasound technician hot? also male or female?... please say female....


wow how is that possible I also lost my verginity to an a ultrasound

why wud u ask how is that possible if it also happened to u?

ur gonna be a materialistic sex addict and wanna stick Anything thy looks like an object in u for a long time . fyl

MetroidSlayer01 8

You can't lose your virginity to a machine. Your just desperate to be able to say you lost your virginity, you ***** in the making. Ydi

xhalighx 0

Metroidslayer, So does that mean lesbians are forever virgins because they use ******?

MetroidSlayer01 8

@62, I'm glad you know how to read.

basically yea. guys don't lose it to their hand and neither do chicks to rubber, plastic, metal, etc

natedog193 0

someone whose name and pic has to do with a video game is talking about the loss of virginity? wow

technically u lose ur virginity when the thin piece of skin in ur vag is broken... no sex needed


yeah... why though? dirty it won't be there for that special someone.

MetroidSlayer01 8

retaliation towards 110, Fatass

@chikiitaaa so wat ur sayin is tht a guy can't lose his virginity til he's had a dick in him...ooooo I wonder how many guys think they've lost it...accordin to u booooy r they wrong!

fireobsessed 0

a girl if they've had someone inside of them, a boy if he's been inside of someone. u need to ****

neonblue120 6

yes and no the way I see it gay guys will always be virgins to ******* chicks unless they experimented and lesbians will be virgins to dick unless they experiment not virgins persay but technically it's all subjective anyhow the definitons can change

Kureeziineko 3

what about a boy who has bottomed before but never topped? is he a virgin?

wintamint101 7

that doesn't count and how would you b preggers if you hadn't lost it already?

exactly..finally somebody with a brain

amerrah 4

Virgin is a religious word meaning "to lose pureness" Aka having sex. Duh. And its not when your Hymn breaks because some girls are born without a hymn. I swear, wtf do you guys learn in school.

superguppy19 3

I'm humanitarian and an activist man ur profile rocks woo hoo

coletrain11 5

NsThat's hard to answer yes & no. They are not virgins due to hAving lesbian sex. But they a virgins due to the ***** part...

#176 - all girls are born without a hymn. i think you mean that some girls are born without a hymen.

I hope you can live with the pain of your sorry, miserable existence, you ignorant mouth-breather. - A proud lesbian.

Guys girls can lose their virginity to other girls you don't have to have a dick in you for you to lose your virginity you just have to have had sex.

cbutters 0

Was the ultrasound technician hot? also male or female?... please say female....

nolasaints 0

an ultrasound probe not technican, you're a stupid dipwad

cowgod 0

technically you didn't Lose it to that- it's not having sex. if it was- you would have lost your virginity to a tampon too....

UziTopete 0

well what if she had an ****** and or bled?? huh

cbutters 0

@10 Dont be stupid, somebody has to hold the probe and move it around in there, I like to think that it was a she and hot.

jasonsaied 1

no 48 u dumb shit SHE put it in there. or it wudnt be an fml

LOL, well that would be um embarrasing.... or it could be one he'll of a begining of a letter to penthouse.

cbutters 0

@57 Obviously you don't get it, haven't seen a vaginal ultrasound, and don't know how to spell "wouldn't".

you wont EVER lose ur virginity to a tampon! man u shud learn some facts!

soccer_babe 0

wooooowww a probe is one of those scanner things at airports and stuff. its an object not a person. someones a bit anti-social these days im guessing.

At least the probe won't brag to his all his friends about it. Anyway, was it good for you?

KurouTenshi 0

oh hunny, I sure hope it used protection. I'd hate for you to have a little probe baby and just be another statistic :/

I know you are kidding but the funniest part of this to me is that they do actually put a little condom on the probe before they lube it. Thank goodness OP won't become a statistic or a virgin mother.

are you ok ? It isn't like they do intervaginal ultrasounds for everything.

MoCo_fml 0

possible of losing your virginity that way if it tears the hymen? really? go bak to school. in this case YOU are the dumb ass!

I think 14 meant they don't do them for no reason at all. OP must have had a medical need for the ultrasound and she was kindly asking about the condition that neccesitated the probe.

jcpt1984 0

hmm... first time I ever got a vaginal ultrasound was when I was pregnant - never for a routine checkup. I'm guessing the OP got it for some medical issue that needs to be addressed.

brokeandsingle 0

@44 haha, you said dudu (sorry to be corny just my since of humor) haha....