By sosadbuttrue - 14/01/2012 13:15 - Switzerland

Today, the quality of my sex life reached a new low. I faked my orgasm. And so did he. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 184
You deserved it 27 968

Same thing different taste


As a Swiss myself I recommend some good old fashioned Swiss chocolate to spice up your sex life! Chocolate is touted to be an aphrodisiac.

carmenm 6

At least your getting sex at least

Good acting... Who knew who was faking it first?

Try something new and different most sex therapist suggest trying things like sex in a car cause the thrill of getting seen makes it more exciting and interesting so maybe talk to ur partner about trying new things or find out what u both like

its very easy you gotta be clever. I have and my partners believed me.

A guy can fake it by the act, but it is obvious that it is fake because when you pull the condom off, there is nothing there or when you lay there after, your uh...hooha isn't draining the love juice all over the bed (if you don't use protection).

diidiimi 10

Have a chat, watch some ****, buy some toys. If you find out what kind of **** he's into it should give you some insight into what he fantasizes about. Might give you some ideas. And you might discover that you like it too.

man that is funny im sorry but you guys obously dont please eachother like that any more

KiddNYC1O 20

Guys Faking an ******... Is he stupid? Pretty sure there's gonna be a specific element of a male ****** that he can't fake. If he can kudos.