By sosadbuttrue - 14/01/2012 13:15 - Switzerland

Today, the quality of my sex life reached a new low. I faked my orgasm. And so did he. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 177
You deserved it 27 951

Same thing different taste


both of you should try to loose some weight.

Um...what does losing weight have to do with it? You dont know that OP or her husband are heavy, and not once was it even mentioned. And FYI, heavier people can have great sex too.

GrinnReefer 0

U just fake it by goig uggghgghhuhhugh

sinking_fish 12

i will never understand why people fake orgasms. communication is key, op. talk about what you like and dislike in the bedroom and see if that helps(:

jhh0991 5

Well if ya both did it I guess you can say it cancels out!

afunnyterdcody 5

Haha that's funny shit try 69 so u know if he fakes it

SettoFail 9

That's unfortunate. Especially that he faked one too.

wow, that's sad. your man may have picked up that you faked it and lost his buzz too. sometimes you have to find new things to bring some excitement into it again. if he's not pushing your o buttons, teach him how, he probably doesn't know. every woman is different just as every man is. don't be afraid to ask what gets him hot, he'll be happy to tell you. return the favor for him. ultimately, take a deep look at your relationship too. good sex in a relationship relies to an extent on emotion. if you're not feeling the way you used to about your guy, maybe its time to work on things, or move on. hope things get better.