By sosadbuttrue - 14/01/2012 13:15 - Switzerland

Today, the quality of my sex life reached a new low. I faked my orgasm. And so did he. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 177
You deserved it 27 951

Same thing different taste


Lack of communication is most likely the cause. How about you guys talk about what you like and don't like in bed instead of just having sex for the sake of it.

fmlyoyoyo 4

At least the both of u think alike

RedPillSucks 31

Oral Sex means talking about it.

hateevryone 14

Your fault for faking. He probably noticed so he didn't bother giving a real one.

bubo_fml 10

There is a 'solution' to your problem. If you keep 'banging' away at it, then you'll have it 'licked' in no time!

ksxa22 0

Dude I do that all the time no worries...

bniggs 0

At least you guys have sex even if it's not a happy ending! I have to BEG for sex!!

Wow, I think there are some serious problems with your relationship. First off, stop lying to each other. You may think your sparing his feelings by pretending to get yours, but honestly, after reading this I'm 99% sure he knows you fake it and that doesn't do anything for either of you. Secondly, sit down and have a long (possibly erotic) conversation with him about both of your likes. The conversation will serve to help you get to know each other better in sexual way and will lead to a higher likelyhood of both of you actualy getting off. Thirdly, next time you have sex, try something new. It could be as simple as a position you havn't tried. Good luck, and stop faking!!!