By sosadbuttrue - 14/01/2012 13:15 - Switzerland

Today, the quality of my sex life reached a new low. I faked my orgasm. And so did he. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 177
You deserved it 27 951

Same thing different taste


lizziee 0

this sounds like me n my boyfriend except i make him ****** everytime... hes made me ****** once...we have been dating for 6 months...

I still don't understand why people don't get this, but...IT TAKES PRACTICE!!! Some women are lucky and can ****** easily, but for others it takes both her and her partner time, patience, and experimenting to find the right technique - and then putting it into practice. I've been with my boyfriend for over two years, and it took us well over a year to discover what did it for more me. Not because we don't love each other, or didn't enjoy being intimate up until then, but b/c it takes practice and experimenting. Some of us ladies don't "come" as easily as others. :P Since that was TL:DR - short version. Don't fake it. You look like an ass when you do. If you don't like your relationship with the guy, end it and find someone you'll enjoy have sex with. ;P

jackeechan 10

How the hell do you fake an ******?

Time for a game of naked twister. Loser has to perform for the winner!

michael91183 4
chubby_choco 17

There are websites, counselors, toys, DVDs - don't let sex get boring, dammit! Do something interesting!! Roleplay, try some light bondage, anything!!

FreezeeMonsta 19

Oh god, that truly sucks, fyl.