By sosadbuttrue - 14/01/2012 13:15 - Switzerland

Today, the quality of my sex life reached a new low. I faked my orgasm. And so did he. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 177
You deserved it 27 951

Same thing different taste


OP, Next time role play as a dude. If he cums you have bigger problems to deal with.

maryam8869 7
maryam8869 7

i mean how really .. if he faked it and said the story later why faking it in the first place :/

Maybe he faked it because he knew you faked it? Some guys are clueless and believe these lies, but some/many.... know the telltale signs. Why fake it? Take charge of your sex life or accept the dull sex life you have.

Ummm try roleplay and you should were REALLY lacy lingerie!!!

Sounds like you all have tons of fun ;)

Time to spice things up: try new moves, watch some **** or even get the Kama sutra. At this point, there should be no hesitation whatsoever to go extreme!