By brit - 13/10/2011 19:27 - United States

Today, the student council gave us our senior class t-shirts. Our theme this year is "Striving for Excellence." Excellence was misspelled. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 662
You deserved it 2 977

Same thing different taste

Top comments

every1luvsboners 11

So just turn it inside out and wear it like that. That's what I do with my underwear every week when they start to stank.


Well, no. Striving for something doesn't mean you'll obtain it. In this case, they clearly demonstrated failure.

kateheartswaffle 0

Striving-and failing-for Excellence.

Wow that sucks, Whats the name of your school? I want my senior t shirt to say "(your school) can't spell excellence"

If OP was actually stupid enough to give you their school name, I'd be surprised they know how to spell excellence.

The irony... Did the jocks write it? It couldn't have been the geeks or nerds...

I heard proof reading works. Just a thought...

Seems like the moto will forever be 'striving for excellence'

68 spelled it wrong on purpose since the shirts have a word misspelled.

Nochal 8

Your classmates are dumb. Sorry! At least you only have to finish this last year with them! :)

More like who's the loser that spelled excellence wrong.