By brit - 13/10/2011 19:27 - United States

Today, the student council gave us our senior class t-shirts. Our theme this year is "Striving for Excellence." Excellence was misspelled. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 662
You deserved it 2 977

Same thing different taste

Top comments

every1luvsboners 11

So just turn it inside out and wear it like that. That's what I do with my underwear every week when they start to stank.


crystalou_fml 3

While everyone is bashing on the senior class for being dumb, what most likely happened is the company who made the tshirts misspelled it when they were making them. I've gotten plenty of shirts done that were wrong because the tshirt makers typed it into the computer wrong.. Either way it's still pretty funny.

harleyq132 2

what school do u go to? cuz thats just sad. great way to start ur senior year! :/

Awesome. Just awesome! This actually made my day.

scottgeo 0

Student councils are typically popularity contests - not the smartest students.

Sonic_boomerang 5

How come it's f your life, you weren't the one that misspelled it were you?

sandmancometh 3

Sounds like you have a ways to go.

Guess thats why it said striving and not achieving

XxDancerGirlxX 17

At least your theme wasn't, "Don't hate on '08!" Made absolutely no sense....