By anonymous - 21/06/2010 12:21 - France

Today, the Vuvuzela that my brother ordered online was delivered to our house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 352
You deserved it 47

Top comments

tinybear93 0

CAST IT INTO THE PITS OF HELL WHERE IT BELONGS ie burn it in the yard or somewhere convenient.


haha looks like the world cups soundtrack is coming to youu! hah!!

You can probably come up with some creative uses for it.

you should borrow it one morning and wake him up :p

stonerzeyez 0

One of my neighbors has a child with one that takes it outside and blows it all the time. I've gotten used to the noise, but some days I still want to pry it from his fingers and ******* destroy it in front of him. God awful things.

lovinit5683 0

Geez #17, chill out I didn't know what it was either and I'm a fan of sports. Just chill, ok.

Olympian94 0

What's a non-soccer fan? Oh wait nvm, it's a person who doesn't know what a vuvuzuela is.

BBBBBBZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ (no really, I feel bad for you. It's so annoying watching a game with those sounding in the background.)

monnanon 13

They are supposed to be a traditional south african horn made into a football thingy as far as i understood it. They are about as annoying as air horns and other noisy obnoxious things but en masse, bloody hell they make some noise. Why your brother ordered one is beyond me, isn't the point to show support at the stadiums?? If he annoys you too much with it you can always suggest he inserts it somewhere painfull to see if he can get a good tune out of it.