By anonymous - 21/06/2010 12:21 - France

Today, the Vuvuzela that my brother ordered online was delivered to our house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 352
You deserved it 47

Top comments

tinybear93 0

CAST IT INTO THE PITS OF HELL WHERE IT BELONGS ie burn it in the yard or somewhere convenient.


Ang1 0

jester613 had the right idea about "damage" during transit

That really sucks. F everyone's life who is around him when he is using it.

meta_knight_486 5


Samko_chan 5

LOL I like to refer to those as the ambient sound of live soccer.

bliingblurr 0

I have one to annoy my boyfriend:) He's avoiding me until I agree to get rid of it. lmao..