By anonymous - 21/06/2010 12:21 - France
Top comments
they come with earplugs, quit bitching.
I will take it if you dont want it!!!! free of charge!!!
hahaha. looks like you just got a new alarm clock! :p
What in the world is that? I have never heard of such a thing.
on the brightside at least you have ears...
Yo, I'ma let you sleep but, bzzzzzzzzzzz bzzzzzzzzzz bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz bzzzzzzzz bzzzzzzzzzzzz bzzzzzzz bzzzx
CAST IT INTO THE PITS OF HELL WHERE IT BELONGS ie burn it in the yard or somewhere convenient.
it's not popular in soccer matches... it's a South African tradition. the world cup is in south Africa, hence hearing them at the soccer matches.
They sound like a hive of angry bees.
I love soccer, but I have never heard of that either!
I say yu break it.
lol @ 55 :)
People who don't know what a vuvuzela is... Get out of your cave man
Someone tore their windpipe by blowing a vuvuzela too hard.
they aren't hard to play you just need the air to do it. and they sell them at hockey games too.
a vuvuzela is a blow horn that fans use to cheer on thier soccer team with
Fyl! My boyfriend has an app for that. He keeps playing it in my ears to annoy me. When I'm watching soccer on tv the noise doesn't annoy me because Ive gotten used to it. But it's a different story when you're actually at a soccer game.
115 I completely agree.
Um, 79 retarded*. You should probably learn to spell basic words before you call other people stupid. You look pretty foolish.
There's an app for the vuvuzela, it's free
Hahahahahaaahahahaaah!!!!! FYL!!!!
******* bzzzz
79 yes they have been at matches for ages, but they are only plastic horns! vuvuzelas are bigger, louder, and there are more of them. and they are also a huge part of football culture in south africa. I trust you've never actually heard on up close
soccer sux
where else would you like them to deliver it crackhead
haha #67. i agree.
no its actually really not an african tradition to give a ******** to cheap colored plastic
best fml yet
115 - Your reasoning behind this? Exactly.
Or you could just tamper with it. All these vuvuzelas seem to be made out of a material known as plastic. If you apply a magnifying glass correctly, you can heat it to a stage where it is easily moulded into different shapes. Simply "Weld" the end shut. A soldering iron will have the same effect.
so it's an air horn?
Ignoring the spelling and grammar errors, I'm not really sure how the vuvu can possibly have been popular since the 70 when it was only officially invented in 94, and mass produced in 2001? p.s. Anyone that doesn't know what a vuvuzela is, I have one word for you - Google.
freaking best fml ever.
that's a sick tat ;)
hey, wanna hear the most annoying sound in t-BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
@217 for some reason that cracked me up so much!!!
Earplugs aren't enough...
True dat
good for you
haha, thats classic. good summer ahead of you.
its a big ass horn. I suggest having some fun by stuffing new and interesting things in it.
It's a stadium horn. Listen to any World Cup game and you'll hear one.
it's the very annoying sounding horns that are being sold in south Africa for the soccer/football world cup
Have South Africans ever heard of chanting? Can't even hear the other team's fans chanting. Ruins the whole game.
i cannot possibly articulate the pain you are soon to experience. my heart goes out to you
6- I'm with you Colossus. What the heck is a vulva? HAha I know what that is!! What about the other thing?
no one said vulva.....nice attempt at humor though!
it's the painfully obnoxious horn that the South African soccer fans have been blowing constantly at the World Cup.
are you guys dumbfucks? do you live under a rock? ******* google it for god's sake
woah 17 chill out. repeat after me 'goos fra ba'
17- I just don't care about soccer you effin' reject. So shut your mouth. Sperm burping crotch cricket!!
goos blah blah lol, and 17 not everyone is a futbal fan chill bro
Because Googling things from FML that you don't know about won't end up scarring you for life. I generally just wait until someone explains it to other people. Saved me from Googling 'goatse' in the past, thank god.
46: That's generally a wise decision. I've found to be quite helpful as well; you get a description, minus the mental scars. ;)
FYL. I did the "How long can you last with the vuvuzela?" thing online ... I lasted four seconds.
I can last indefinately. so long as I have my music going louder
it won't work anymore if you lick the front thing and hold the button down cuz it'll jam the darn thing and the spit will dry instantly. I had the same problem but it's not bad anymore.
I feel sorry for u but i prank my lil bro by putting soap on his toothbrush b/c he is disrespectful and it works he tastes it for a while. instead of using soap, anything will work ie: pepperspray, mace, a used condom, glue...Just put it on the mouthpiece and there ur problems are solved.

what exactly is that?
CAST IT INTO THE PITS OF HELL WHERE IT BELONGS ie burn it in the yard or somewhere convenient.