By Spooprfailed - 08/04/2014 05:32 - Canada - Winnipeg

Today, things were getting heated with the girlfriend. We were mostly naked, but mostly wouldn't do, so I kissed her deeply and whispered into her ear, "You should lose some weight". Clothes. I meant to say clothes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 442
You deserved it 65 830

Spooprfailed tells us more.

Spooprfailed 7

Hello folks. Just wanted to clear up a few misconceptions! 1) My girlfriend is both beautiful and very fit. Which is incredibly lucky about me because... 2) We laughed hysterically about it for a while, since it was just such a ridiculous thing to come out of my mouth. The mood WAS ruined for a little while (but not for too long ;) she's THAT awesome), but we've been laughing about it ever since. I am very happy not single (despite my scumbag brain's best efforts). And for anyone who things this reply sounds as if I had a gun to my head and was writing whatever my gf told me to... please call 911

Top comments

RedPillSucks 31

Uh huh. Suuure you did. People tell me I need to lose clothes all the time, but they really mean weight.


Sounds like you aren't going to be losing any clothes for awhile...

Not necessarily, if she's not insecure about her weight. I mean it's obviously an insensitive comment and even more insensitive timing but if OP didn't really mean it and quickly explained/apologised, there's no reason it should be a huge issue. Unless she really believes he thinks she is fat, there's no need for her to avoid having sex.

you're totally right but even though I'm not insecure about my weight that would still make me a little upset.... I'd probably just ground him for a few days(;

it would make many insecure about their bodies, even if he apologized right after. The seed have been planted in her thoughts now

Exactly what I was trying to say! let's just hope she isn't too insecure.

Looks like things won't be getting heated for a long time now

LostInTheZone11 29

It's okay to think that you just aren't supposed to tell HER that!

I don't know, if I needed to lose weight, I would want my significant other to tell me... Just maybe not while we were in the bedroom. However, he didn't mean it. Earnest mistake.

I'm not sure if I'd want to hear it or not... I mean, if you're overweight you should be able to tell in the mirror. Having someone tell you would just be embarrassing, especially someone you're dating.

I don't understand this line of reasoning. If you're embarassed by your weight, in that case why wouldn't you get proactive about it? Certainly no one would have anything to say if you were trying your best, and you wouldn't have to worry about people like your boyfriend's opinoin in that case since you'd most probably be getting into good shape. I mean, if you don't want to hear it because it should be obvious to you, and that bothers you, then why not change?

That's what I'm saying thought, #24. If it's obvious then why point it out? Or maybe they DO want to change and are having a tough time losing it,

Losing weight is not an easy thing. Just deciding you're just going to eat healthier and exercise doesn't do it for certain people. And I know from experience that it's a long struggle, and people pointing it out - even if you are being proactive about it - doesn't always go over well.

cassy20481992 1

I'm guessing that didn't work out so well for you....

I agree, out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh!

hopefully you were able to salvage your relationship but she probably won't get naked in front of you for a while.