By fail - 14/04/2011 22:27 - Canada

Today, to impress my friends, I attempted to do a back flip. The only one impressed was the doctor who set my broken leg. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 977
You deserved it 38 436

Same thing different taste


pinkchocolatex3 0

You could have broke ur neck and died .... but it's worth it if ur friends are impressed (:

agree. it just makes u look like an ass!

jenaandtyler4eva 0

that's why usually you don't do stuff you know you can't do in order to impress friends you might get hurt really bad and next time do something you know you can do

doc_j 0

if ur name is in refrence to turets guy i award u a win

"Today, to impress my friends..." YDI.

gee, what makes your friends so cool to begin with? I suggest hanging out with the outcasts from now on. they won't require any impressing.

lmaoatall 6

was there apple butter spread on those three slices? mmmm just wondering! kinda craveing some boner BUTTer right about now!

doc_j 0

today to impress my friend I let them sign my cast, most of em put douche or faggit. there really good friends. FYL