By fail - 14/04/2011 22:27 - Canada

Today, to impress my friends, I attempted to do a back flip. The only one impressed was the doctor who set my broken leg. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 977
You deserved it 38 436

Same thing different taste


Pippy88 0

Omg i did tht last year! Except i did a backhandspring and landed it then i tried to do a double and broke my arm!!!!!

Even though you have shared this story with a community of thousands, the doctor is STILL the only one who's impressed.

hcovballer247 0

backflips are easy. flashkicks, that's another story.

hcovballer247 0

back flips aren't even hard and I don't think that the doctor was impressed he was probably thinking more of 'what an idiot'

camking619 0