By Rover - 11/07/2016 19:03

By Rover - 11/07/2016 19:03
By alicia - 20/12/2012 22:45 - Canada - Montreal
By notinterested - 13/09/2011 10:11 - United States
By Sensitive!!! - 24/08/2020 21:56 - Australia - Brisbane
By anonomus - 01/06/2010 01:35 - United States
By Anonymous - 18/02/2012 12:16 - United States
By ihmmil - 18/01/2020 14:00
By Anonymous - 27/12/2013 22:39 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 23/02/2014 17:29 - United States - Canastota
By newlywed - 27/02/2011 05:18 - United States
By Anonymous - 19/02/2020 20:00
Super annoying OP. Have either of you ever had sex? If not, then it's like doing anything else it'll get better the more you practise :D he's probably just as lost. If you have, ******* talk to him! Who does that?!
Good Lord, woman, open your damn mouth & say no. You both need to have a very honest conversation about what is lacking in your sex life. Can't believe you obey "roll over" like its a command.
Without a follow-up there is no way to know if she complied or said no.
If you're foolish enough to believe sex will be great the first time if you "save yourself, " then ydi. Learn from this lesson and don't believe the other bs your religion is feeding you.
"And the little one said Roll over!"
You may become resentful over time, that is likely. This can become a "deal-breaker", so better to intervene now and insist on some couples counseling: this provides a safe environment to discuss intimacy issues. It could save your sanity and your marriage.
I'm 15 and a virgin please someone define foreplay
It's what sex partners do before the "main" sex act, usually penetration. Since the huge majority of women are not ready for sex at the drop of the hat, foreplay is necessary for it to be fun (and not painful, since sex without lubrication is generally the worst). I wish I could tell every 15-year-old this so I'm going to risk sounding preachy: it is absolutely essential that both partners are enthusiastic and explicitly willing to have sex every time. The OP's FML is not a good example of this. Also, BE SAFE, use condoms, don't be in a rush to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. And whether you're a boy or girl, no one has the right to pressure you into sex. Good luck!
thats what you get for waiting lol
Everybody please stop scolding the OP for waiting until marriage. The hypocritical pressure on girls to be "pure," plus a lack of decent sexual education for everybody, is the culprit here.
Really hope this is a certain woman in Colorado. Lol
this is why everybody should have premarital sex it's like a test drive on a new car
You know you can still say no, right? Just because you're married doesn't mean you're forced to have sex every time he wants to. If you aren't feeling it say no. If you want him to put some effort in tell him so.
If he saved himself for marriage too and you're the kind of people who have a moral issue with things like ****, masturbation, sex ed etc., he might simply not know any better. Sit him down, tell him that women generally don't come as quickly and easily as men and that we usually need some work before the actual sex can happen. Good luck.