By Rover - 11/07/2016 19:03

Today, unfortunately, my new husband's idea of foreplay is to tap me on the shoulder and tell me to roll over. I saved myself for marriage for this? FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 677
You deserved it 3 399

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know you can still say no, right? Just because you're married doesn't mean you're forced to have sex every time he wants to. If you aren't feeling it say no. If you want him to put some effort in tell him so.

askullnamedbilly 33

If he saved himself for marriage too and you're the kind of people who have a moral issue with things like ****, masturbation, sex ed etc., he might simply not know any better. Sit him down, tell him that women generally don't come as quickly and easily as men and that we usually need some work before the actual sex can happen. Good luck.


And this children is why you shouldn't wait til marriage....

graphicstyle7 17

If you can't communicate with him on your own, time to see a counselor. It's pretty important, trust me.

I truly hope you're having a conversation with him about this issue instead of just complaining about it on the internet.

This is why you always go for a test drive before buying a car.

This should be a lesson for everyone. Don't wait!

christen09 8

Yes everyone, let's be ***** and screw everyone we date.

Communication is everything in marriage and relationships, you need to talk to him about it.

Le_ponderer 14

A friend of mine who had a similar situation talked to her husband; in a bid to improve their sex life. Problem was, she didn't know what she would enjoy. So he got food dye, took a paint brush and drew lines on her, demarcating her body. They both concentrated on exploring each "zone" and made a list of what she enjoyed there. Then it was his turn... I still remember her smile when I recall this story :-)

That's an amazing story! Good for her, and a good idea!

For better or worse, this is the guy you married. However, all is not lost. Now you get to tell him what you like, how you like it, what turns you on, and what doesn't (such things like saying "Roll over"). You can suggest all kinds of fun things to make your sex life exactly what you want it to be. He isn't psychic, but he is a guy. He will probably do whatever you ask if it means he's getting some action.

Tell him no more until he gives you some good oral. You gotta teach him some skills.

I really recommend you both read a book called She Comes First. You need some educated communication.

I am now curious, so I just went to Amazon and ordered it. Thanks for the info.