By Annoymous - 03/09/2009 10:19 - Australia

Today, walking home from work, I saw a little boy crying, so I crouched down to his eye level. I asked him what was wrong, his reply was to kick me in the groin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 494
You deserved it 5 809

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wannabesinger 16

Can you blame him? His parents probably taught him well not to talk to strangers, and here you get all up in his face. If I was him, I would've freaked out and kicked you, too. It's a shame that we have to warn our kids about things like this, but that's just how it is

justmyluck1212 0

kids aren't always sweet peaches.. FYL


gingerbreadpup08 0

One of the many reasons I avoid children whenever possible.

ever heard of the "never talk to strangers" saying??

kick him back but ydi, ever heard of "STRANGER DANGER!"

jakeidk 0

at least he was nice about it... YDI but good job trying to help a lil kid FYL ouch

u_killed_kenny_ 0

THAT is why you don't help little children

Absolutely, it's much better to leave a small CRYING child to figure things out for himself. Who knows, maybe a real pedophile will kidnap him. We wouldn't want to help or save a kid. Especially one that could be lost or hurt. Jesus OP, Wtf is wrong with you- trying to be helpful. You should be ashamed.

"STRANGER DANGER!"... you had it comin' dude.