By meyo555 - 02/06/2011 09:45 - United States

Today, we finally got wireless Internet. My mom won't let us open any doors or windows in fear that it might "let the Internet out". It's 103 degrees in here. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 286
You deserved it 4 785

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

"Mom, can I let the internet outside for a pee?" "NOOOO! Never do that under any circumstances!"


upgrade542 0

get the whole family to convince her..

It's like the thing with the fridge. If you leave it open the cold goes out and it takes more energy to keep it cold. Same goes for wireless internet.

hawright 13
ramurrump 0

Why the hell is your house 103?

Jazzalyn 10

You know what, OP? Tell your mum to keep the Internet on a leash. Teach it how to sit, stay and play dead. If it's good, let it out once in a while. (I tried to be nice. It wasn't appreciated. Therefore, you will only get sarcastic humour from me.)

upgrade542 0

i assume your motherbisnt tech SAAVY at all...let her speak to a bestbuy representative herself, about that issue...they should convinve her! Meantime go stick your head in the deep freezer. lol thats what i do

I bet your mother thinks she can fix the internet by trying to empty out the cable.

Wow!! Really? Tell your mom that an IT Specialist for the united states military said that was freaking idiotic. You can't lose signal through the windows. You can lose signal from like floresent lights and refridgerators. Crazy thing like that.